Sunday, January 25, 2009

A clearer mind?

So it has been 26 days since I had my last drink. 26 fucking days. I dont think I have ever gone this long in my adult life of drinking which started pretty young at say 17 or so. It feels really good, its an accomplishment of sorts. At this point I feel like I could go the rest of my life with out and I will be ok with that. I chose to stop to really get my head on right and back in between my shoulders instead of in between my ass cheeks, slowly its working every day I smell a little less shit and a little more fresh air.

I had made some bold moves to change things about my life, better myself and possibly the things in my life and the people around me. Time will sort the rest out.

The best I can do now is go head up, feet moving, eyes forward and keep going. I am taking this critical thinking class this semester that I think I will really like. Within the first 2 weeks of class I have made more comments that have offended people or made me look like a complete jerk off than I have made in a long while so I am pretty into it, I enjoy speaking up and getting my peice of mind in I so rarely do it.

"Shotgun Willie sits around in his underwear, biting on a bullet pulling out all of his hair, Shotgun Willie has got all of his family there. Well you cant make a record if you aint got nothing to say"

I really am a super freak fan for Willie Nelson.

Anyway, things seem in shambles at times. With time it will feel a little less like that. I feel like I am still sorting through some rubble from a massive earth quake and each day I find another memory, a piece of a picture, a shirt or a tea pot. Little surprises or reminders that make me remember why.

One day at a time. I guess I dont have that much more of a clearer mind. This little entry shows I am still jumbled and all over the road.

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