Sunday, December 28, 2008


"10 years passed and I ended up with a house full of cats"

Right now I should be sleeping preparing myself to wake up to go fishing tomorrow, to hanging out with my family, to be excited. Instead I am miserable, not in the keys with my family instead stuck in NY. I have spent the last few days arguing with my dad, getting guilt trips from him and my brother because I am not where they are. I tried. I had it planned and the plans didnt stay due to circumstances and situations. I have attempted to find plane tickets and make a plan but nothing seems to be working. Instead its 230am and I am listening to music that dosent help the mood and writing on this wretched thing. Infact I did find a good priced flight but, the old man was more occupied with guilt trips than helping me out like he offered. Instead of great here lets get it I got "I am out catching up with some friends and watching football like we should be, I will call you later" Thanks, that line has been going over and over in my head driving me nuts.

I guess this is just life. Its passing by slowly and surely. Thank god for friends. Friends are the one thing that keeps my head up. I am having a moment right now.


Best quote for today "You can not predict your past by the future"

I have been going back to this picture a lot today. Its a good one. One from a time when we had some many less worries. When life was just that much simpler. Just to think this is only a few short years ago, if I am thinking straight right now I want to say maybe 4 years ago give or take. The best part is these people are still in my life. Love you fam

Either I am not drinking enough or I am drinking too much I havent quite figured that one out yet

"we pass the time in the stormy weather thinking of sunshine, not clouds and the rain" - The Snake the Cross the Crown

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