I met some challenges and went through some crap just like anyone else. None of it was easy and none of it was fun. There are things I wish I had done different. But its too late for that. Anyway
To my fam, my BFF's and all of the other people I have encountered that matter for something in this world. May you have a wonderful time and shine right into 2009.
These are just a few moments that make 2008 better than it was. Mostly from Kevins last weeks as an unmarried man (who by the way had the most epic wedding ever in September). What better way to end that than by taking a shit in the woods. I love you fam. But these are the people that got me through 2008, not all of the people but a few of them that helped along the way
I feel like I did a whole lot of nothing but did a lot of something. Have a safe transition into 09. I will be fading out 2008 with some amazing people tonight so that we may shine right into and through 2009