1) Nas is my favorite MC
2) Alexi Murdoch is a great solo artist
3) George Carlin will always be cynical and funny
4) Robin Williams is insane
5) Health Care Reform is the new joke
6) I miss the shit out of Outback Sundays
7) I am super bummed I could not be a part of Man Camp
8) While Nas is my favorite MC, Biggie will go down as one of the best
9) Ryan Adams will always be an awesome musician even if he is a total bag of d
10) Albany is a love hate thing. I hated it while I was there, love it when I am not
11) Living in a climate where it is between 60 and 70 everyday is kind of sweet
12) Bill Murray is my favorite actor, Steve Martin is in a close second
13) thesuperficial.com always is a great day cap, kind of like and ice cold beer on a hot day
14) Hippies will always smell
15) Life without your good friends just isnt as fullfilling
16) Willie Nelson = Icon
17) Fox News is like a bad sitcom
18) East Bound and Down is inspirational
19) Glue - Sunset Lodge is a great album
Thats it, there is more but my beer is empty and I am lazy. Miss you fam