Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

This is my porn, love you fams. I ate 5 times today. I am going to pull the trigger to this picture now

Sunday, November 23, 2008

A little git er done

We have this thing called a little git er done. A Sunday tradition that has been on going for about 2 years. Tonight we had the pleasure of having some of the babe fam fade with us. If ya'll dont know, now ya know.

Its just nothing more than quality time with the fam, aint not time like quality time.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Sarah Palin wow

Interview on a turkey farm. This is just priceless. She was self destructive to herself and her party from day one. I think she may have just upset every vegetarian, vegan and PETA member with this interview kids. What a better place to do an interview to woo support than this place. How about the guy in the back round who stays hard at work making sure we get our turkeys on time. It's hard to tell if he is confused or enjoying the shit out of what he is doing right now. Sarah Palin, thank you for the endless laughs, head in hands asking why motions and sighs. You have done us many great wonders and helped Alaska a lot.

Turkey anyone?

Monday, November 17, 2008

This Guy

Has a 12 gauge and its sawed off to the limit. I really dont need to say any more.

Mr. Seger Thank you for all the good music.

I would like a slug just for good luck.

Surviving 1 day at a time. One Seger tune at a time

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Baby Praks

So I was told about this little gem on youtube called baby prank. Not sure how I am supposed to feel about it. Dummies picking on a baby.

I hope this kid whoops their ass some day

Thursday, November 13, 2008

In just a short week or so, Matthew and I will be home together at night discussing life and fam fade over wine in candle lit rooms. I am psyched. 

My current apartment is empty and has the echo sound. Life rules. 

Lets drink and eat burgers fam

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Lebron James is super man

Apparently this past evening Mr. James slam dunked a ball leaping from the free throw line to the hoop. But last I checked only one man on earth could jump like that and it was Clark Kent a.k.a. Super Man.

I think tomorrow after I stretch and play hop scotch I might call up Mr. Lebron James and Challenge him to a jump off

Can you say eat your wheaties boys and gurls

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Alicia Keys and the Easter Bunny hang out. Why cant she and I. I am going to rota tiller his bunny home one day. I will show that bastard

Veterans day

Fuck you veterans day. What do I get for being a vet? Nothing, I get the satisfaction of knowing I was employed by Bush's corrupt war machine.. I get drunk thats what I get you cock sucker uncle sam. Thats all that I get. 9/11 can suck my cock. The genocide in other counties what about those? What about the daily car bombings around the world? What about the innocent people in third world countries that are raped and murdered every day by the thousands that we dont hear about because we are too busy talking about Britney Spears bastard children and Branjolenias or whatever you call her adopted kids. What about the sweat shops in Asia? What about the Hatians trying to leave the the thousands every day that we send right back? What about the Cubans we ship back that get killed for being considered traitors for trying to leave that country? Wait thats right Michale Moore says its great because they have "awesome health care". Fuck you, you fat fuck eat another big mac ass hole.

Hey anyone hear about Madonnas fake British accent or her divorce? Yep we all did. But we didnt hear about the village in Zimbabwe where, every woman was raped and murdered.

Fuck it and fuck you. I am drunk and pissed.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

love is bullshit, i am drunk and packing. i get to live with matthew blodgett and his bitchy ass princess cat waylon. yea i called him a princess fuck you matt do something about it. i will eat him alive