Wednesday, September 19, 2007

riot in the streets

So about 30 minutes after my last post here a riot ensued on my street. It was pretty insane. About 300 kids from Albany High brawling. We asked our neighbor who goes there what started it he told us that it was just something that spilled out of school. It looked more like the Hoover Damn had exploded.

So to say the least it was interesting. Lots of cops, fire trucks, under covers, ambulances and even a few feds were wandering around.

We sat on our stoop and just watched it all unfold. Onc
e the cops really tried to break it up there was a sea of people running down our street. The best line I heard all day was from one cop who was chasing these kids with his baton drawn just screaming "thats right run boys runnnnn!" Shortly after that a girl running full speed tripped over her own feet and fell face first into a car. Unfortunately I began laughing my ass off about this. Maybe it was not so unfortunate. Who knows. So I guess this spilled over into Arbor Hill and backed up traffic for quite some distance.

I did hear sirens going for about an hour straight so this went on for a while.

I tried to get some pictures but this is the best one I g
ot and this is when people began to run

And yea some people even decided to kick it on our stoop

Crazy kids I tell ya

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